Did you know that if you have been upgrading in the 20th month, the 4 months left will get tagged to the end of your contract? This happened to me with Cell C (I saw for myself), I’ll see if I can find out whether the other operators function the same.
This is from a mail I sent to Cell C on the 6th November 2006
I noticed in September that my bill had increased substantially due to my R19 promotion being deactivated. I called 140 today and was told that although my contract runs until December my promotion ended in August.
This pisses me off, no where was I informed that my old contract would need to run out its 24 months before the new one would continue. In fact you advertise that I can renew (re-NEW) in the 20th month which I did and it seemed like my old contract was dead and gone.
I was under the impression that my upgrade/renewed contract meant that the old contract was cancelled/null and void or surpassed by the new contract. I also presumed that I was signing 1 (one) contract which was 24 months and included the reduced fee.
Now I am informed that in actuality I am running 2 contracts 24months for my cellphone and 24 months for my promotion.
What bullshit is this. I never signed any contract that I am aware of to pay R100 monthly.I have spoken to 2 people briefly who are under the false assumption that their “new” contract cancels the old.
fraud ?noun
- deceit, trickery, sharp practice, or breach of confidence, perpetrated for profit or to gain some unfair or dishonest advantage.
- a particular instance of such deceit or trickery: mail fraud; election frauds.
- any deception, trickery, or humbug: That diet book is a fraud and a waste of time.
- a person who makes deceitful pretenses; sham; poseur. [Origin: 1300?50; ME fraude < OF < ML fraud- (s. of fraus) deceit, injury]