Enter any one of these search words then click “I’m Feeling Lucky” to see what happens.
Some of these may no longer be in operation by the time you see this. Please let me know if you find any that don’t work or if you discover any new ones.
- elgoog
- scholar
- blog search
Fun Localised Versions of Google Search
Google has been localized in a bunch of languages, like Afrikaans, Swahili, Tamil, Twi, Scots Gaelic, Gujarati, Sesotho, Uighur and many many more. Google has taken localization to the universal level by including fictional languages.
- xx-bork – Bork, bork, bork! – Swedish Chef, Pingdom’s favorite Muppet
- xx-klingon – Star Trek
- xx-elmer – Elmer Fudd
- xx-hacker – Hacker
- xx-piglatin – Pig Latin