- How much dirt is there in a hole two feet by two feet wide, and also two feet deep?
- If a farmer has 15 white sheep standing in a field and all but five drop down and die, how many of the sheep are left standing?
- A clerk in the butcher shop is 5 feet, 11 inches tall. What does he weigh?
- What are aluminum cans made of?
- How many birthdays does the average man have?
- How many members of each animal did Moses take on the ark?
- Some months have 31 days. How many have 28?
- A snail named Ed lives at the bottom of a 30 foot well and decides to climb out. He can climb up three feet in one day, but every night he slides back down two feet. How many days will it be before Ed gets out of the well?
- How many four cent stamps are there in a dozen?
- None. It’s a hole, and there is no dirt in a hole. – Common Wrong Answer – Eight cubic feet
- Five. All but five dropped down, therefore five were left standing. – Common wrong answer – Ten
- Meat. He works in a butcher shop. He weighs meat! – Common Wrong Answer – Uh….I can’t know that
- Aluminum – Common Wrong Answer – Tin
- One. We just celebrate it year after year, but we only have one birthday. – Common Wrong Answer – About 76…
- None. It was Noah who took the animals on the ark. Moses was the one who led the children of Israel out of Egypt. – Common Wrong Answer – Two, not listening to the question because of programming and conditioning
- 12, or all of them. They all have 28 (at least). – Common Wrong Answer – One, or just February
- 28. On day 1 he reaches a high point of 3 feet, then slides back to 1 foot. On day 2 he reaches a high point of 4 feet and slides back to 2. On any day, the high point reached by Ed is two more than the number of the day. On day 28 he will reach 30 feet and climb out. – Common Wrong Answer – 30, based on averaging one foot per day for thirty days
- 12. There are 12 of anything in a dozen. – Common Wrong Answer – Three. Some people divide 12 by 4 to get 3, although the question doesn’t call for division.