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Up in Arms – South African Gun Dealers

The cargo, whose existence was revealed by noseweek editor Martin Welz on Wednesday, includes three million rounds of 7,62 mm bullets (used with the AK47 assault rifle), 69 rocket propelled grenades and mortar bombs and tubes, all valued at R9,88 million.

Are we going to allow guns to pass through South Africa on their way to Zimbabwe?

Why does Zimbabwe need weapons other than to use against their own people to keep them in line?

How are we the South African people and specifically the officials that make money from the gun running responsible?

Are we all responsible for the people those guns kill?

Now union workers are refusing to unload the shipment.

“This vessel must return to China with the arms on board as South Africa cannot be seen to be facilitating the flow of weapons into Zimbabwe at a time where there is a political dispute and a volatile situation between Zanu-PF and the MDC,” Satawu said.

Glad to see someone has a little backbone and won’t give the madman any more weapons.

Government’s lame excuse is…

The cabinet said South Africa will not stop the shipment of weapons from getting to Zimbabwe because the government may not interfere in a trade deal between two countries.

Arms cargo: Union refuses to unload ship

Court bid against arms cargo

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