…is like screwing for virginity!
Humanity as a whole seems to be fighting everything…
Anything that irritates us, scares us, confuses us or that we don’t understand, we go to war against. And we call ourselves intelligent. Do we know any other way?
All of these snippets are taken from sources as I browse the web and am advertised at.
Combat Climate Change and Global Warming
War on Terrorism
Fighting Poverty
Fighting Hunger
“Can we actually get to what we want by constantly focusing on it’s opposite?” “Ever tried driving your car whilst constantly looking in the rear-view mirror?”
This can be seen in some ways from how our focus on dis-ease as apposed to health means that we have more and more.
Unseen Enemy
How is it possible to fight an unseen enemy. The things I state above are not clearly visible, a terrorist could be living next door and you wouldn’t know!
Poverty is not only a lack of money, in Africa we have a multitude of poor and yet many are happier than the so called wealthy.
In our fight for power we will destroy ourselves as we are forced to realise that we are not separate from our environment or our actions.