A step-by-step instruction on how to remove the WP Super Cache plugin from your WordPress installation.
I recently started installing W3 Total Cache across the sites I manage and so have had to uninstall WP Super Cache.
To uninstall
You will need to edit the file “uninstall.php” in your plugins/wp-super-cache/ directory and set UNINSTALL_WPSUPERCACHE to a non blank value like this:
You can do this by either grabbing the file via FTP editing and uploading the modified version or from within WordPress by selecting “Editor” from under the”Plugins” menu and then selecting “WP Super Cache” from the “Select plugin to edit” drop-down menu in the top right corner and clicking “select”. Finally select “uninstall.php” from under “Plugin Files” find the line of code to modify and change it and click “Update File”. The file will need to have write permissions to overwrite the old versions but Worpress will warn you if it can’t overwrite.
Now go back to “Plugins” and select delete from under WP Super Cache and “Yes, delete these files and data”, this will run the uninstall or you can open your browser and load wp-content/plugins/wp-super-cache/uninstall.php directly. You must be logged in, and you must confirm the action.
Now you can install and activate the W3 total Cache plugin to boost site speed.
If you have problems with this method let me know and I’ll put up the full manual removal metho.