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Synology Diskstation

Do you need help with setting up or repairing your Synology Diskstation?

Synology Password Assistance

The default Synology Diskstation Username & Password is User: Admin and the Password: blank (that is, no password)

Reset your Synology DiskStation Password

Can’t remember your password. You can reset to the default settings.

Locate the reset button and using a paper clip, press and hold for 4 seconds until you hear beeping. This will restore IP, DNS and passwords for the “admin” account to default value, and reset the “guest” account to the “disabled” status.

Be Aware: If you press & hold too long, the operating system will be restored!

Synology Secret Telnet Password

You can use this site to telnet into your device if you are unable to access it because of a disk crash.


Synology DiskStation DS213air


Backup battery is a CR1220 coin cell.

Looks like the drive with DSM installed on it should be HDD1, so if you need to add a new drive then stick it in any other slot but HDD1. Drives are numbered from left to right and top down. You can also find the drive number pressed into the drive caddy steel.

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