Did your Windows 10 PC recently update, leaving your Pastel Xpress 11 or 12 no longer functional?
Getting the error
-2147221503 The Application is not valid. Please specify the correct Application Path. Registration Checking Cannot Continue.
Right-click the Xpress icon on the desktop, click Properties then go to the Compatibility tab and click the checkbox for Run this program as an administrator and you should be good to go.
If this doesn’t work you can try, under the same Compatibility tab, “Run this program in compatibility mode for:” check the checkbox and then select Windows 7.
Wonderful… Managed to revert to the Windows 7 Compatibility settings and now Pastel Partner 11 is up and working again.
Thank you for this advice.
My computer updated to Windows 10 and now my Pastel Express 12 will not work. Have tried running as Administrator but does not work. Rang Pastel and they think! is is incompatible with Win 10 what to do?
This will also work for Pastel Partner V11.
For anyone experiencing problems with Pastel My Business v3 and SQL or Pastel Services not working, the following worked for me on Windows 10 Pro to get it up and running again.
Press Win button + R to open run command
Type in services.msc
Click Open
Check that Pastel My Business Service is on Automatic
Check that all SQL items are on Automatic
Right-click to access menu to change the setting to Automatic