Looks like as long as you have not registered Sage Pastel you can change the computer name without issue.
Sage Pastel & Xpress 17, 18, 19 aka 50c
Method 1
Uninstall Sage Pastel & then reinstall, it should remover the old computer name and put in the correct name.
Method 2
- Click on Start or search, type in regedit and hit Enter
- Click on File, Export and export regedit file to backup your registry
- 64 bit machine – Goto “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Softline\Pastel Partner V19“
- 32 bit machine – Goto “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Softline\Pastel Partner V19“
- Replace “Pastel Partner V19” with whatever your version is
- When you open “your pastel version” you will see the old computer name, delete this then register the package as a workstation.
- Close the regedit screen
- Rename the c:\pastellxx\custom\registration or c:\xpressxx\custom\registration folder to registration.old
- Open Pastel and re-register your software
- Now Add back your companies
We just changed the name of the pc back to what it was and all the backups were there again. ?
Correct, setting the name back to what it was will fix the issue.