From version 18 on you have to open from inside Sage Pastel, go to Utility>Forms Designer
File location: C:\PastelXX\Custom\Forms
Standard forms have a .ENG extension and custom forms a .ENZ extension. Make sure to save your custom forms into the specific company folder
File Name Format
- NNNNN is the file name. The default names are:
- CSDOC for all Customer and Supplier DOCuments
- CSMTH for Customer statements and supplier remittances
- ISTRF for store transfer documents
- BOMSLIP for manufacturing pick lists, Bill Of Materials
As you will see later, you can use different names to create separate layouts for each document type, such as quotations, sales orders, invoices, and so on.
- PPP can be “PDF” or nothing. You use this for forms that you email in PDF format. This lets you have a separate version of each form in PDF format.
- X is the paper type, and can be either C (continuous, for dot-matrix printers) or S (single sheet, for laser and inkjet printers).
- Y is the paper style, and is one of P (plain), R (pre-printed), or H (header pre-printed). It does not apply to store transfer documents:
- The plain option means the system prints on plain paper. It will print boxes, lines, and all headings.
- The Pre-printed option means the system prints on paper that usually has lines and boxes pre-printed.
- The Header pre-printed option means the paper has lines, boxes, and the company information pre-printed.
- Z is an optional identifier you can use if you wish to have separate layouts for tax exclusive and tax inclusive documents. If there is no character, the system uses the same layout for exclusive and inclusive layouts. If you wish to have separate layouts, use I for tax inclusive and E for tax exclusive. This character of the file format is optional, and it does not apply to store transfer documents.
- ENG is the language or country extension. The system runs in multiple languages. We assign a standard extension for each language. For example, if you are using an English version the form file names have an ENG extension. If you use a French version, the extension is FRE.
- For all the documents, there are more than one file per document, because the system caters for different combinations of plain, pre-printed, header pre-printed, single, and continuous, paper.
- CSDOCXX – Printed Customer Supplier Documents
- CSDOCPDFXX – Emailed Customer Supplier Documents
- CSMTHXX – Printed Customer Supplier Statements
- CSMTHPDFXX – Emailed Customer Supplier Statements
- CSPOS – POS invoices
- CSPOSCH.ENG – POS Invoices Continuous Header preprinted
- CSDOCXX – Printed Customer Supplier Documents
- CSDOCSP.ENG – DOCuments Single Plain – This is the standard Invoice template
- CSDOCCR.ENG – DOCuments Continuous PRe printed
- CSLIPI.ENG – POS Till Slip Form
- CCRDNSP.ENG – Credit Note
File naming convention
- Each character has a specific meaning
- 1st – Customer
- 2nd – Supplier
- 3rd-5th – DOCuments, POS – Point Of Sale, CRDN – Credit Note, SLIP – Till Slip
- 6th – Continuous / Single sheet
- 7th – Plain / PRe printed / Header preprinted