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SARS easyFile Employer – Problems and Troubleshooting

There are now 2 versions of easyfile. A brand new version EasyFile Employer Thin Client 800 (this will be used going forward) and a old style version 7.4.5 only for the 202408 period. From 202502 the new version will be the only version.

For this period I recommend using version 7.4.5 – let someone else be the guinea pig whilst they resolve issues in the new version.

This page is my reference and a free resource in which I’ve attempted to explain in the simplest way possible something that is rather complex. It is for those who want to do it on their own. If you can’t come right on your own, with these instructions as a guide, do not call me, to get me to explain how it works.
Don’t call me if you not prepared to pay, “quick questions” are never “quick”, as I need enough information to make an informed decision and that usually takes time.
I have not “saved” any tips or tricks although I use a different more technical method myself. Absolutely everything I use to fix easyFile is somewhere on this page. Need help but don’t want to pay, then read carefully and post a question if you can’t find an answer or take a look at the easyFile facebook group – https://www.facebook.com/groups/easyfile/

Please understand people, I’m no psychic and I do not practice voodoo or magic. Figuring out what is wrong is just like any other profession. I have to know what the situation is.
It is like you asking me, “How do I get to Timbuktu?”, without me knowing where you are and more crucially, you not knowing where you are, I cannot possibly direct you. At least half of what I do when I get on people’s PC’s is figuring out where the PC is at.
So it is not that I won’t give you an answer, it is that I often can’t give a meaningful single sentence answer.

Want to say thank you for help, please post a review to any of the following sites

Are you tired of fighting with easyFile? Contact me on my cell 084 584 7268 to schedule a time to get it fixed. R850.00 (I am not VAT registered) for a guaranteed fix. No fix, no fee! Work on servers or Mac’s with Parallels is 1.5x the fee

How to install easyfile 7.4.5

7.4.5 includes the easyfile forms viewer version 1.3.4

I personally prefer not to auto update. I’ve seen more issues with automatic updates, than a manual download and install. Make sure to always do a backup before you start.

Installation Instructions

  • Backup
  • Uninstall “ALL” Java versions
  • Uninstall current easyfile version
  • Uninstall current Adobe Air version
  • Reboot your PC
  • Download 7.4.5: via OneDrive, DropboxGoogle Drive or SARS Direct Link – (7.4.4 Release Notes) [06.12.2024]
  • Once downloaded right-click the filename & at the bottom select Unblock – if there is no Unblock move to the next step
  • Right click the Setup_EMP_745_WIN.zip file and Extract Files, from the extracted folder double-click Setup Employer.exe to run
  • Let it install Zulu Java as well as Adobe Air
  • Once installed you should be done

Additional Install Files

  • Install the latest Java if you need it for your internet banking e.g. Standard Bank Online

I’ve had some issues with AVG/Avast, Kaspersky Internet/Total Security, Comodo & Trend Micro blocking Java from running. Kaspersky AV doesn’t cause any issues.

If you use Avast or AVG and you get no PDF files when you export, try pause your anti-virus and run again. You can see if easyfile is being blocked in Avast & AVG by going to Menu > Settings > Blocked & Allowed Apps – make sure that the offline.jar is not blocked

If you still can’t get it running, then your problem is more complex and I can only assist by getting on your PC to troubleshoot what the issue may be.


Disabling the Firewall in Windows 10, 8, 7 and Server 2016 or 2019

  1. Open Control Panel
  2. Click System and Security link
  3. Click Windows Firewall or Windows Defender Firewall
  4. Click Turn Windows Firewall on or off
  5. Select the bubble next to Turn off Windows Firewall (not recommended) in both the private and the public section.
  6. Click the OK button to save changes
  7. Remember to Turn On once you are done

Turning Windows Defender off in Windows 10

  1. Open the Start menu
  2. Click Settings
  3. Click Update & Security
  4. Click Windows Security
  5. Click Virus & threat protection
  6. Click Virus & threat protection settings
  7. Toggle off “Real-time protection

Uninstalling JAVA Versions

Try uninstalling all versions of Java before installing easyfile using the following tool – https://java.com/en/download/help/uninstall_java.xml

easyFile Newsletter

The newsletter will be used to notify people of fixes, new releases or issues.

Are you having problems with installing SARS easyFile-employer to your Windows PC, here are some possible fixes, tip’s & tricks to try?

Please send me your fix, if you had an error and you managed to sort it out. I’ll post it for other people’s benefit.

“Not interested in wasting your time on trying to fix easyFile. I can fix it for you, so you can get on with what is important to you.
I’ve seen too many people waste loads of time and still not come right.” Details at the bottom of the page

ActiveX Internet Explorer Issues – don’t use lightly

If you find your easyfile.dbz is not opening, it may be an issue with Internet Explorer blocking Java from running. You can test this by opening Internet Explorer and typing the following address in your address bar https://www.java.com/en/download/installed.jsp?detect=jre, you will need to authorise the java for it to run.

This might resolve your issue or you may have to dig a little deeper.

This command may need to be run from an elevated command prompt.

REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Ext" /v VersionCheckEnabled /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

More radically - not too be used without understanding
REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Ext" /v VersionCheckEnabled /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\VersionManager" /v DownloadVersionList /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Safety\ActiveXFiltering" /v IsEnabled /d 0 /f
REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\JavaSoft\Java Update\Policy" /v EnableJavaUpdate /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\JavaSoft\Java Update\Policy" /v NotifyDownload /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\JavaSoft\Java Update\Policy" /v UpdateSchedule /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\JavaSoft\Java Update\Policy" /v UpdateMin /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\JavaSoft\Java Update\Policy" /v UpdAvailNotifyCnt /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
REG DELETE "HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /v SunJavaUpdateSched /f
del "C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\VersionManager\versionlist.xml"

EMP201 or EMP501 hangs at 0% error

Disconnect your internet connection. You can do this by removing your network cable or turning off your wireless.
Now start easyFile, open your company and go to the Notification Centre, it will give you an error.
Now reconnect your internet, it will ask to download the EMP 501, click OK

I’ve often heard people say “easyFile is not easy!” and that people prefer to do EMP 201 entries in eFiling.

Please be aware that it is from past feedback, that I am able to give assistance, so please let me know if you come right and what you found the issue was.

Ensure that you have backed up your data before attempting any of the following troubleshooting tips.

EMP501 Declaration not displaying

Your EMP501.swf might be corrupt. Exit easyFile, find the EMP501.swf [The file is in your easyFile folder under FlexForms.], delete it and then re-start easyFile, it will install a new copy. If you are still having problems, clear your Temporary files. Google it for your Operating System.

Clearing the Temporary Folder

  1. Press the Windows Button + R to open the “Run” dialog box
  2. Enter this text: %temp%
  3. Click OK This will open your temp folder
  4. Press Ctrl+A to select all
  5. Press Delete on your keyboard and click Yes to confirm
  6. All temporary files will now be deleted
    Note: Some files may not be able to be deleted. If you are prompted about files that are missing or in use, click the check box next to Do this for all current items and click Skip

User’s and Passwords

Please keep these in a safe place, you will not be able to access your data if you lose your login details.
Passwords require Upper and lower case as well as a number and special character. Just don’t use “&
Make sure to add a hint, it might come in really handy if you get stuck.

Forgotten your Password

You will always have an ADMIN user as it is an easyFile default. You can try open easyFile then put in your username, use ADMIN if in doubt and then click “Forgot Password?” and it will supply the hint you added when you first created the users.
Still stuck, click “Secure Reminder” this will ask you to login to Efiling and supply a password.

Older versions of easyFile as well as Java & Forms Viewer

Click on the blue box below to go to my archive of older versions. If you have a version I do not have, please send to my email or share via OneDrive, DropBox, Drive etc

  • Download 7.4.5: via OneDrive, DropboxGoogle Drive or SARS Direct Link – (7.4.4 Release Notes) [06.12.2024]
  • 7.4.4: via OneDrive, DropboxGoogle Drive or SARS Direct Link – (7.4.4 Release Notes) [27.09.2024]
  • 7.4.3: via OneDrive, DropboxGoogle Drive or SARS Direct Link – (7.4.3 Release Notes) [13.09.2024]
  • 7.4.1: via OneDrive, DropboxGoogle Drive or SARS Direct Link – (7.4.1 Release Notes) [16.10.2023]
  • 7.4.0: via OneDrive, DropboxGoogle Drive or SARS Direct Link – [18.09.2023]
  • 7.3.9 – 24.07.2023
  • 7.3.5 – 26.06.2023
  • 7.3.4 – 08.05.2023
  • 7.3.3 – 24.04.2023
  • 7.3.1 – 21.11.2022
  • 7.2.9 – 03.10.2022
  • 7.2.8 – 19.09.2022
  • 7.2.7 – 10.06.2022
  • 7.2.6 – 19.05.2022
  • 7.2.4 – 11.03.2022
  • 7.2.3 – 16.02.2022
  • 7.2.2 – 10.02.2022
  • 7.2.1 – 06.12.2021
  • 7.2.0 – 08.11.2021
  • 7.1.9 – 22.10.2021
  • 7.1.8 – 15.10.2021
  • 7.1.7 – 04.10.2021
  • 7.1.6 – 13.09.2021
  • 7.1.5 – 10.08.2021
  • 7.1.4 – 30.06.2021
  • 7.1.3 – 28.06.2021
  • 7.1.2 – 07.06.2021
  • 7.1.1 – 06.05.2021
  • 7.1.0 – 15.12.2020
  • 7.0.9 – 05.10.2020
  • 7.0.8 – 18.09.2020
  • 7.0.7 – 11.09.2020
  • 7.0.6 – 24.06.2020
  • 7.0.5 – 15.05.2020
  • 7.0.4 – 10.04.2020
  • 7.0.3 – 04.02.2020
  • 7.0.2 – 06.12.2019
  • 7.0.1 – 08.11.2019
  • 6.9.9 – 16.10.2019
  • 6.9.8 – 03.10.2019
  • 6.9.7 – 20.09.2019
  • 6.9.6 – 01.07.2019
  • 6.9.5 – 26.04.2019
  • 6.9.4 – 18.02.2019
  • 6.9.2 – 12.10.2018
  • 6.9.1 – 02.10.2018
  • 6.9.0 – 17.09.2018
  • 6.8.3 – 05.03.2018
  • 6.8.2 – 08.12.2017
  • 6.8.1 – 22.09.2017
  • 6.8.0 – 10.09.2017
  • 6.7.5
  • 6.7.4
  • 6.7.3
  • 6.7.2
  • 6.7.1
  • 6.7.0 – 19.08.2016
  • Old 6.6.3-0.1.7, from May 2016

Which JAVA version should I have?

It no longer matters whether you have 32-bit or 64-bit Windows. You need the 32-bit Java version that installs with 7.4.4 which is Zulu JRE (8u252) you can have as well if you need it for online banking or other Java software
You do not need JAVA version 1.7.80

What versions of Adobe Reader and Air

I’ve tested up to

  • Adobe Air download here
  • Adobe Reader DC 24.005.20392, download here – make sure to uncheck the bullshit McAfee “optional” offers [You need the 32-bit version, 64-bit version will give errors] – If you have Adobe Acrobat Pro, it is only available in 64-bit and you will then need the latest version of Adobe Air.
  • Forms Viewer 1.3.4, download here
  • JAVA Zulu JRE version, will run with the latest version of JAVA as long as the Zulu JAVA is also installed

Connect if Disconnected

  • In Internet Options, under the security section turn off SSL 3.0 and turn on TLS 1.2
  • Go to Internet Options (Either through Control Panel or from the Tools menu in Internet Explorer). From here, click the connections tab and make sure that Never dial a connection is checked
  • Close easyfile then disconnect your internet connection, now login to easyfile while you are still disconnected and open a company, enter the declaration screen and then finally reconnect your internet.

easyFile Employer – security certificate error

When trying to log into a taxpayer’s profile, you get the message

“Revocation information for the security certificate for the site is not available. Do you want to proceed, yes or no?”

To fix, do the following:

  • Open Internet Explorer
  • Click the gear in the upper-right side of the page “Tools” or Alt+X, select “Internet options”
  • Choose the “Advanced” tab
  • Click “Reset”
  • Check the “Delete personal settings” box and click “Reset” to finish

Fix for EMP201 hangs or gets stuck on 100% whilst updating

Thanks to Ryjin: Had endless issues with the EMP 201 update. It stayed stuck on 100% and would NOT let me into easyFile. Best way to get around this is to: logon without an internet connection. Enter the declaration screen and then reconnect your internet!! This will update accordingly and you will finally be able to work!! Yay!!

This can also be a permissions issue, you need to make sure EMP201.swf is writable, it is in the \Local Store\FlexForms folder. Look below for more information on the sata store location for the different versions of Windows.

Setting up easyFile EMP201 to work with eFiling

In order to make use of the EMP201 function on easyFile™ Employer, you need to ensure that your EMP201 is registered and activated on your eFiling profile. You also need to make sure your user rights are set up correctly so that you can submit and pay your EMP201 using easyFile™ Employer. You must synchronise your easyFile Employer information with your SARS eFiling website profile. Once your SARS eFiling profile is setup, and the relevant EMP201 reference number activated, synchronise the software.

Does your PC have multiple drives or partitions?

Ensure that you install to the C:\ drive, huh, yeah! you heard me. You need to ensure that you install SARS easyFile Employer AND Java to your C:\ drive. [This will only show up on PC’s with multiple drives or drive partitions.] You can do this by selecting the Advanced checkbox when installing Java, and selecting your install location when prompted.

Windows 7, easyFile database location

The EasyFile.dbz database is stored in C:\Documents and Settings\[user name]\Application Data\easyFileEmployer.???\Local Store\
The ??? is a unique number string for your PC.

Windows 8, 8.1, 10 & 11, easyfile database location

Folder is C:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Roaming\easyFileEmployer.0612E4541602589CA8807A3EA214FDF182FEF49D.1\Local Store\

Easyfile login issues

You won’t believe it – your efiling password can use an ‘&’ but easyFile doesn’t like it. So eFiling is fine with the ‘&’ sign but not easyFile. The staff at SARS helpline (0860-12-12-18) directed me to click on “secure reminder”. Use your SARS efiling login name and password. Their system then generated a password that worked.

Adobe Air Installation Issues

Having problems with your machine saying you need Administrator permissions to install Adobe Air. Got to the following page, download the Microsoft Fix and run it, select the appropriate responses and then try install again.

Full story – “C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR Application Installer.exe” – ignoreExpiredCertificateTimestamp

If Air won’t install run in Windows 8 compatibility mode as administrator.

Remove File Association

Open elevated command prompt

For your payroll file

assoc .21=


Additional Information

Final Straw – Reached the end of your tether – I can help fix easyfile

  • Have you read through the whole thread and still can’t get easyfile working?
  • or just can’t be bothered wasting your time

I offer a guaranteed service to get easyfile up and running for R850 or [R1700 after hours] (I’m not a VAT vendor). Payment due on completion of repair.

It takes me from 15 min to 2 hours to get easyfile working.

Here’s how I work

  1. WhatsApp, call or email me to explain your issue and arrange a time to repair. I prefer a phone call or WhatsApp as I can run through questions to get a clearer picture of the issue
  2. Send me the AnyDesk Address via WhatsApp, and accept the connection when I log in
  3. I’ll get onto your PC and get easyfile to the point where you can open your files
  4. Once fixed I’ll get your billing details & email address
  5. I’ll then generate an invoice and email it to you
  6. You pay
    I have a 95-99% success rate. Mainly because I don’t give up until it’s fixed. The most hassle I’ve had was with an Apple Mac running Windows 7 Home under Parallel’s and the database backup turned out to be corrupted.


83 thoughts on “SARS easyFile Employer – Problems and Troubleshooting”

  1. Hi Grant,

    Do you know if there is a way to export a flat file (.csv format probably) from the easyfile database? We manually load around 700 certificates through the year for once of freelancers, and it will be easier to do a final check on a spreadsheet, rather than easyfile.


  2. Hi there, please give me the steps to follow when doing the resubmission to easyfile for 2017. I’m so scared that I will recreate new IRP5 numbers etc………and I just need to resubmit due the the Easyfile stuff up.

  3. Hi there.

    If I have multiple pay frequencies, how would I import this into easyfile? I have monthly, fortnightly and fortnightly casual employees, but I cant seem to import more than one certificate

  4. i need to install a clean database on my PC. How do I go about doing that? I tried uninstalling and and downloaded e@syfile from scratch but keeps coming with the current database

  5. Thank You So much for this page. This is the second time in a year that you’ve saved me a sleepless night. If I was that kind of woman I’d’ve offered you a lapdance. Alas…

    Here have a virtual Cookie instead

  6. Grant, amazing help… had “certificate invalid error”, then Java updates failed, etc. Followed your steps, eventually uninstalled all Java versions, Adobe Air and Easyfile itself, restarted machine and ran it all again. Fingers were crossed hard, but success! Thanks for the awesome service…

  7. Hi. Is it possible that EasyFile is unstable. I did 17 IRP5s over the last 2 days. I have gone back to check on them and some have dissappeared and at least one has mixed information between 2 different employees on IRP5’s that were following on from each other. I know they have dissapeared because they started with number 1 to 17, and now 5 and 6 are just not there and 10 and 11’s information is mixed and 10 is not there.

  8. Hi, I have an error while importing the tax year end file. “Invalid value for code 6010”. any advise, please help

  9. 6010 – Go to the error log, it will tell you how many records you should have. Then in the upload file, right at the bottom by 6010 you change the number to what it should be

  10. Hi thank you so much for your page and help, this was my 3rd bi-submission and if it wasnt for your page I would have had endless sleepless nights. Appreciate your help. Do you have any FAQ on how to understand the PAYE Dashboard please? As well as the ETV, it does not give me the option to view. I submitted our recon and it shows successfully submitted. On my dashboard I only have one red light and the Liability shows R3.00. I also have some figures in the AA88 section (this is the section I dont understand) what does this all mean? Any advice would be appreciated, thank you.

  11. HI I am unable to download the IRP5/IT3 Certificates for 202002, the screen opens on preparing export operation… but hangs and nothing happens, any idea how to fix this?

  12. Hi, I am unable to open the PDF IPR5 documents that was exported from Easyfile. The error I receive is “There was an error opening this document. Access denied.” How do I fix this?

  13. Hi, I have submitted the 2020/02 period and still no certificates have been received by Sars. apparently there are liability on paye errors and more. they say I can go on Easyfile to see all the errors, where can I see this list of certificate errors?

  14. serena@draftfinservices.co.za

    When I try to open an interim submission EMP501 generated from easyfile it tells you: “could not open because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged”. Please help as I can’t see how I can even go back onto Easyfile to reproduce this 501.

  15. SARS has recently merged my 3 e-filing profiles into one . When going into Easyfile do do the EMP501 etc it says that my password is incorrect when trying to submit the declaration. To me it seems that easyfile is not talking to e-filing. Any suggestions?

  16. Log into efiling, click on view portfolio and see the easyfile login name… sometimes it has a _2 after it and use that in easyfile with your current efiling password

  17. Someone at SARS advised to fill in the ETI utilized with no cents, eg if your ETI utilized is 10.50, only put in 10, the balance will then carry forward. If the amouts were omitted say for Oct and not carried forward to Nov, remove the cents with Sept ETI utilize and the balance will be carried forward.

  18. ETI Problem - Charles

    Hello Grant – Charles here. I am Having issues with ETI submissions all 3 of them. After populating the declaration and its now time to submit You first get an error message that says Certificates imported do not tie up etc – In response i took out the Cents 0.92 difference but in doing so when i get past this stage – i try to submit again then The Period within which i would have made the Change will come with another error message -THE RFC FOR THIS PERIOD CANNOT BE PROCESSED. – [Be it 202003, 202008,202010,202101 – Every time it will complain about the period i would have chosen to make this adjustment—ITS a Total Predicament] – Please assist.

  19. Hi Charles. Your import file with ETI has a monthly ETI total (7004) and a grand total (4118). You need to add up the monthly ETI and make sure it agrees with the grand total. You can’t drop cents as your value you claimed will be more than the value per IRP5.

    If your ETI utalised does not pull through to the last page on your IMP501, you drop the cents on the IMP501per month ETI utalised.

  20. Hi I seem to be having a backup issue. When i back up it doesnt zip the file. Is there a way to fix this?

  21. Hi, I have imported my Payroll file into Easyfile. I see all the created certificates. When I go to the Declaration, the total amount calculated on the ETI on code 4118 differs from the submitted amount (it’s less than what we have claimed from SARS). In addition to this, it also pulls the incorrect PAYE liability amount through to the 3rd page. It uses the PAYE liabilty before ETI utilised amount. I have called SARS and they advised me to capture the certificates manually – it is almost 300 certificates. I have tried to drop the cents as advised previously but still not making any difference.

  22. Christelle Maritz

    Hi. I’m also still struggling with “The ETI value claimed pull through on the EMP501 recon, but does not pull through to the last page of the recon. It shows we short paid with the ETI value.” I’ve tried everything as suggested. I’ve even started with a blank easyfile and putting in my own values that are rounded and test with changing the IRP5s to only show rounded amounts. But even now the ETI utilised doesn’t pull through to the last page and it looks like tax is owed. Any suggestions? Really worried now about the submission.


    Hi. I need help. On the latest version (when Easyfile opens the Declaration on e@syfile Forms Viewer v1.2.6) there is no save, file or submit button.

  24. Good day Grant

    I have just submitted a nil declaration and when I check if all is ok under EMP501 Status Dashboard and then Update it gives me the following:

    “EMP501 10018 n/a invalidated with error code 10018.”

    What does this mean, please?

  25. Hi Grant, after I have downloaded the easyfileFW from your link, I just get a blank screen. should I perhaps wait longer. when I try to view my saved declaration it gives me a message that a new version of the form is available. SARS HTML EMP501 version 2021.00.18. When I click on Download Now. It gives me an error that the download failed

  26. Hi Grant. I have successfully updated and downloaded all the new versions. When I go to declaration, and click on view, a new window pops up, I then make the necessary changes etc, however there is nowhere an option to save or proceed, I can only close the window and then none of the changes are made. Please help.

  27. Hi Grant,

    im getting the the following error

    “Note: in order to continue operations you need to download the new version of the form. SARS HTML EMP501 form version 2021.00.22 is now available” There is a download button but when I press it i get an immediate error message reading: “Download of EMP501 2020.00.22 failed.”

    do you perhaps have the install file for the new version? if not how do i move past this error?

  28. Hi Grant and all – regarding the unable to get the IT number when clicking on IT reg button, if you complete the employee record, save it with the 10x zeros, and go back into the record, clear the zeros and retry the IT reg – it works.

  29. I need to resubmit my 2016 EMP501 via Easyfile. So firstly I corrected the incorrect ETI amount on one of the employees’ certificates by clicking on “Add ETI”. Then I corrected the 4118 source code so that this amount agrees with the total amount as at “Add ETI”.

    When I click on “Save certificate”, it gives me the following error message: Source code (7007) not valid for Tax Year 2016. I searched what source code 7007 is for and found that it is “ETI hours”. The 2016 EMP501 has no place where the ETI hours could have been entered, so I have no idea how this error happens.

    Could you possibly help me?

  30. Hi Grant,
    I am trying to open an e@syfile notification. But it won’t open and it’s giving me a Reader Error: PDF cannot be displayed. Error code: Adobe Reader is detected, but the version is too old. I have Adobe Acrobat DC 21.011.20039, Adobe AIR Do you have a solution?

  31. Good day Grant

    Can i please get some help, i have installed 7.2.4 version of Easyfile and when i open it trying to log in it say the message ” easyfile has detected that your encrypted login credentials are corrupt and need to be regenerated” …. I have been using the same logins for the past 7 years. I am not sure whats causing this as i have been using the same version for the past 2 days without this login error and now on the 3rd day i experienced this error. i tried to uninstall it and reinstall but when i open it it shows the same error. Do you perhaps have any clue what it could be?

  32. Good day Grant.
    On the Third party appointments I get a red dot saying: “You are out of Sync with SARS, Please synchronize”.
    I then Synchronize and select “ALL”.
    I then get a notice: “New AA88 transactions received from SARS, Please go to Notification Center.
    In Notificcation center I find no new notifications.
    Going back to AA88’s, I still get the message: “You are out of Sync with SARS, Please synchronize”
    Have you ever experienced this? or doe you have an idea what could be the problem?

  33. Hi

    Hope you well.

    Please can you assist. When I click to submit the recon, I get an error – There was an error opening the document. This file cannot be found. And ideas how to resolve this. Your assistance will be much appreciated.

    Thank you kindly


  34. Hi Grant,
    Thank you so much for all the info, it has already helped a ton. There is just one query that I cannot seem to resolve.
    I perform the declaration, submit to SARS, after which it says the EMP501 was generated and saved to the file location I specified. I then generate the IRP5s. When I go into the file location, the IRP5s are there, but not the EMP501.
    When I go back into E@syfile and view the declaration, it is there, but I cannot print or save it? Its the strangest thing.
    I have searched for the EMP501.swf file after closing the program, but I do not have a FlexForms folder, and all the files under “forms” are Pdfs

    Please could you assist if possible?

    Thanks a mill.


  35. Hi Thea, this is an uncommon issue. I have yet to resolve it mainly as so few people have it. Drop me a WhatsApp so I can see if I can figure it out on your PC.

  36. I’ve downloaded the correct version of Java Runtime Environment, but when I go into e@syfile it says I don’t have the correct version of Java Runtime Environment, you will need to install the application correctly to run correctly, and when I try to do my IRP5 it kicks me out of E@syfile. What should I do.

  37. Jennifer Erwee

    Hi Grant
    I get an error on 2 of my clients that says Validation Failed: Reference Number does not exist or User does not have rights to taxpayer.
    I have checked my SARS logins and they are correct as per my Profile. My is also the only login and I do have access to the EMP501 tax type.
    Do you know what else it could be?

  38. Hi Grant

    I have a similar problem to Thea (13 April 2022) My Easyfile generates the Emp501 but NOT the IRPS’s.
    My Pastel generated importable file import was successful and my Emp501 submission too. easy file seems to have some sort of glitch every year. Hope you can advise.

  39. Hi Grant
    my easyfile gets stuck on the last stage of submission “Preparing export operation”. under the saved files I can see 501 but no IRP5 for the employees. And under utility function return shows as saved not submitted.
    Please help !

  40. Hi All- When i try view a certificate in E@syfile or try to suubmit my declaration – as it opens the file viewer the screen goes black and the entire easyfile application closes. I have windows 11. Has anyone else experienced this and nows what to do?

  41. Bethusile Makohliso

    I installed software on a new computer with the current version at first it did not want to open then I turned off the firewall and it opened ,now when i go back to the old laptop it says “easyfile has detected that your login information does not match that of the local information…”

  42. I downloaded the new version of Easyfileformsviewer and the payments tab on the declaration recon is locked. I am not able to put in my payment amounts. There are payment amounts already there.

  43. Good day.
    Tell me please is there any way to remove a client from EasyFile once you no longer do work for them – my menu of clients is huge because there are a number of defunct clients in there and i would like to remove them from my database.

  44. Trying to resubmit EMP501, after being advised by SARS that previous EMP 501 had failed, am now getting an error message when I try to submit saying there is a submission pending. I have contacted SARS sent screen shots nothing has been resolved, any ideas.

  45. Can’t install any version of easyfile currently. Gets past the FW install okay, but can’t go further to replace the existing employer tax side of things. Bombs out with error 0. Gets and far as Execute: easyfile-employer.exe, the Replace popup appears, I click replace as normal, and it tries to continue with the installation but a new popup appears saying Sorry, an error has occured, etc. Error# 0. Have no clue what to do from here and time is running out. I’ve tried every trick in the book. I can’t even uninstall the program from Programs & features because it can’t find a folder in Local Temp called AIRD95C.tmp and AIR73BF.tmp, both of which are absent. I’ve spent most of my day on this and it’s driving me nuts. Hope someone can help. Maybe you have the folder I need and send it to me. I’m at a loss.. Thanks

  46. All I can suggest is getting hold of me via WhatsApp on 084 584 7268
    Fixing things from were you explain is not simple and not always successful.

  47. Not able to view EMP501 submitted or generate any certificates or EMP501 or open the declaration to print (once submitted). Only some pdf’s created and all as 0kb files. Error when trying to open Certificates or EMP501, Adobe Acrobat Reader could not open because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged.


    Hi Grant, when I want to submit my EMP501 Recon it opens up where I want to save the emp501. Then when I have chosen the folder it opens up the login and password but it immediately closes easyfile straight after. Possible to help?

  49. Hi, When I try to view a certificate in E@syfile or try to submit a declaration, the file viewer opens a blank screen and the entire e@syfile application closes. I run E@syfile on my Windows 11-installed PC. Any ways to fix this problem?

  50. Grant, Version 7.4.1 seems to be giving us more problems than solutions. We uninstalled everything 5x times as per your troubleshooting, reinstalled version 7.41 with Zulu java etc, when everything is done and Easyfile 7.4.1 opens, it keeps on giving the clock running, we add all password etc, do the backup…but thats it. we cannot enter or choose a company to start the submission. Any advise where we might have gone wrong or not installed something extra?

  51. When you have tried “everything”, you usually have an unusual issue/error. So you are unlikely to find a documented solution as you are off the map.
    All I can suggest is dropping me a WhatsApp or giving me a call. I guarantee a fix for the fee I charge. No fix, no fee.

  52. My E@syfile application does not open even though the correct username and password is captured. What could be the problem?

  53. Hi Grant
    I have installed Easyfile 7.4.1 several times now, create the users and password, log in as ADMIN, restore the back up, and then the app closes. When I try to go back into the app it takes me to the create passwords screen again. At the end of my tether – any advise please.

  54. I need to download the Employee Tax Validation Report but am getting an error during the synchronisation process. It just comes up with “Employee Tax Validation Report Sync Error error” after I have entered the eFiling login details. Have you experienced this error? Any ideas on how to resolve it?

  55. Good day

    I am trying to generate IRP5’s on Easyfile. It only exports the EMP501 and then bombs out. I have uninstalled and reinstalled Easyfile and Easyfile FW, however I still get the same issue. Please assist.

  56. Good Morning,

    I downloaded the e@syfile Thin Client new look, but I keep on getting below error:

    e@syFile Thin Client – System Unavailable
    e@syFile Employer server cannot be reached. It is either still starting up or not available

    Please try again later. If the problem persist, please contact your administrator.

    Is there any way to get this fixed, because the SARS website does not really provide any answers to this?

  57. Hi

    im having a problem with importing my backup file from 7.4.4 to the new easy file client software. the software says imported successfully but then when I reopen the app nothing has been imported.

    can anyone advise if they had a similar experience and has a way to fix it ?

  58. Hi, after installing the latest easyfile, I made a mistake by using my personal login name with the company’s paye number, and my password. I only realised afterwards. It accepted my details, allowed me to create a password and hint, but keeps saying I’m using the wrong username. I’ve tried to uninstall so i can start again, but it goes back to the first page asking me to login.
    Any ideas?

  59. Hi,

    I have done several EMP501submission successfully this 202408 period. The last one I am trying to submit is a new company. Everything works fine until the last Submit to SARS action. It just hangs with the message “Preparing export operation….

  60. Hi, I’m trying to add a new employee onto Easyfile (old version). It won’t let me save the employee because I have not completed the Nature of Person block, but then it won’t let me put anything into that block. Therefore I can’t save the new employee. Can you please help?

  61. Hi I can’t seem to restore my April 2023 or May 2023 final backup – it showed it was successfully restored but no clients imported to my database

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