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web development

can I assist you in getting onto the web or if you are already online, streamlining your site’s effectiveness.

The web with a little planning and understanding can be a fantastic tool to simplify and streamline your contact with your clients.

For Your website to be permanently visible to anyone browsing the internet you need someone with a PC permanently connected to the internet backbone.


You need a home for your website and this is what your host provides at a most basic level.

  • Space, 10, 20, 100, etc MB of space on their hard drive
  • Bandwidth, your site will generate traffic, meaning data travelling to and from your website. This traffic has a cost and so it is usually limited by your host.
  • e-mail, allowing you to setup multiple addresses for employees, departments etc.
  • Add-on Services, Fantastico is one of these that simplifies installation of many open source applications

domain registration

If you are looking for a co.za or .com or domain extension. There is usually a yearly fee for each domain that you own, costs vary depending on domain type.


A good plan can assist in long term success online. Identifying exactly what it is are selling and who you are targeting as well as understanding how search engines function makes layout and setup simpler.

page creation

Once the clients needs have been understood, I create the structure in WordPress that I feel will service those needs.

From there it is my goal to get the client to a point where they can maintain their own site.

SEO – Search Engine Optimisation

links to sites I have found useful in getting information about sites I want to optimise

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