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SARS easyFile Employer – Fix

Do you need my assistance in getting easyfile working? Are you aware I charge a R850 fee for a fix? No fix, no fee!
A fix is easyfile running as it should, it does not include recovery of your data – that is an additional service we need to discuss beforehand.

If you agree to the fee for a fix, here are the steps you need to take …

  1. Make sure you have the following file downloaded
  2. Make sure you have AnyDesk installed on your computer, the version doesn’t matter. You can get it from https://anydesk.com/en
  3. Empty your Recycle Bin
  4. Reboot your PC, so that I don’t accidentally close something you are working on
  5. If you have a laptop, plug our power cable in to maximise system performance
  6. Send me a WhatsApp message [084 584 7268 or click the WhatsApp Me button bottom right corner of my site] with your AnyDesk address closer to the allotted time, please type the AnyDesk ID number rather than taking a picture
  7. If I need anything or when I need you to login I’ll WhatsApp you


  • I cannot be held responsible for any issues that seem to be as a result of fixing easyfile – I haven’t had any as yet but I don’t want to be blamed because I was the last one to touch the machine. i.e. what I do, should not impact any other software on your system but there is always the possibility it may – in the unlikely situation there is an issue, I will do what I can to assist
  • My current fee is R850 for a fix. No fix, no fee!

How does payment work?

  • Job complete – you are happy it is fixed
  • Please send me your billing details & email address
  • I’ll generate and send you an invoice via email
  • Payment details are on the invoice

Be Aware

  • I may sometimes delete Windows temp files, to stop files that are cached from causing issues
  • About 1 in 5 machines has malware on it, I’ll notify you if I notice yours does
  • I very seldom refuse to work on a machine. I no longer work on Windows XP or Vista at all. For Windows 7, Service Pack 1 must be installed before I start

Older versions for my reference

5 thoughts on “SARS easyFile Employer – Fix”

  1. Sandra Capazorio

    Hi Grant, my PC ‘s had a few problems and I bought a new one from a local PC Company. The tech transferred everything onto the new hard drive, not even 1 photo lost. Just before the lock down I realized my EasyFile is gone, so I installed the latest version with no hassle at all, but when I tried to restore my backup data, the fun and games began. It gives me an error message – file is corrupt. – looks like I lost my backups. Do you know how to (magically) get it back? I know you’re not a magician but there is hope, right?

  2. If you have no backups you are stuck. If you have the original PC’s drive then I can recover the files from there. Moral of the story, do backups regularly and make sure you have them in more than one location.

  3. Good day, is it a general problem that the E@syfiel does not synchronize with SARS for Third Party Appointments? Since the new update I am not able to pull the IT88’s?

  4. Hi sars asked me to send my 2013 lump sum to them through easy filing and at my work place my HR is unable to help me so I dont know what to do because at my sars branch in Rustenburg are not working and every month end I am receiving penalties please help me out there I don’t know what to do now

  5. I realized my EasyFile is gone, so I installed the latest version with no hassle at all, but when I tried to restore my backup data, the fun and games began. It gives me an error message – file is corrupt.

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