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SARS easyFile Employer Thin Client – Installation

There are now 2 versions of easyfile. A brand new version EasyFile Employer Thin Client 800 (this will be used going forward) and a old style version 7.4.5 only for the 202408 period. From 202502 the new version will be the only version.

For this period I recommend using version 7.4.5 – let someone else be the guinea pig whilst they resolve issues in the new version.

This page is my reference and a free resource in which I’ve attempted to explain in the simplest way possible something that is rather complex. It is for those who want to do it on their own. If you can’t come right on your own, with these instructions as a guide, do not call me, to get me to explain how it works.
Don’t call me if you not prepared to pay, “quick questions” are never “quick”, as I need enough information to make an informed decision and that usually takes time.
I have not “saved” any tips or tricks although I use a different more technical method myself. Absolutely everything I use to fix easyFile is somewhere on this page. Need help but don’t want to pay, then read carefully and post a question if you can’t find an answer or take a look at the easyFile facebook group – https://www.facebook.com/groups/easyfile/

Please understand people, I’m no psychic and I do not practice voodoo or magic. Figuring out what is wrong is just like any other profession. I have to know what the situation is.
It is like you asking me, “How do I get to Timbuktu?”, without me knowing where you are and more crucially, you not knowing where you are, I cannot possibly direct you. At least half of what I do when I get on people’s PC’s is figuring out where the PC is at.
So it is not that I won’t give you an answer, it is that I often can’t give a meaningful single sentence answer.

Want to say thank you for help, please post a review to any of the following sites

Are you tired of fighting with easyFile? Contact me on my cell 084 584 7268 to schedule a time to get it fixed. R850.00 (I am not VAT registered) for a guaranteed fix. No fix, no fee! Work on servers or Mac’s with Parallels is 1.5x the fee

How to install easyfile 8.0.0

PAYE-easyFile-G01 – e@syfile™TC Employer Guide – External Guide – https://www.sars.gov.za/paye-easyfileg01-esyfiletc-employer-guide-external-guide

Installation Instructions

  • Backup, no need if first time install
  • Reboot your PC
  • Download 8.0.0_257 via SARS Direct Link – (8.0.0 Release Notes) [29.10.2024]
  • Once downloaded right-click the filename & at the bottom select Unblock – if there is no Unblock move to the next step
  • Right click the SetupEasyFileEmployer_800_257.zip file and Extract Files, from the extracted folder double-click SetupEasyFileEmployer_800_257.exe to run
  • Installs EasyfileEmployer v2.5.7 which includes EasyFileServer, as well as EasyScan 2.0.0.
  • then installs e@syFileTC v1.0.2
  • Should open e@syFileTC once installed

Minimum System Requirements

  • Windows 10 (64 bit)
  • 8GB RAM
  • 2GB hard drive space (for download and installation to C:/ drive; additional space will be required as employer data increases)


The start of understanding how the new version functions


The software creates firewall rules to open port 42690
It does this when in the DOS prompt

Installed Folders

Some of the locations files are installed to. I’ll add to these as I discover more.

  • C:\EasyFileEmployer
    • App
      • EasyFileServer
        • Java
    • EasyFileEmployerDB
    • tempFiles
  • %appdata%\e@syFile Thin Client
    • Local Storage
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\easyFileTC
    • easyfileTC.exe
  • %temp
    • path where install files are extracted to before installing


Installs Temurin Java JDK 17.0.7 in C:\EasyFileEmployer\App\EasyFileServer\Java\bin


There is an error message when installing the new version on the server, something about archiveint.dll not being found.
It looks like that file is part of the tar, Compression/decompression. It looks like it is included in Windows 10 & 11 and from Server 2019.
Not sure if that is causing files to install incorrectly.

Importing data from an earlier version of easyfile

I get the question “I download the new Easyfile TC but it wont let me import my backup from the old easyfile. It gives me an error, what do I do?” or “
I import my backup and it says completed but when I open the new version of easyfile it’s completely empty and I dont find any of my data.”

ANSWER: Because you can’t import your old data directly. The old and the new easyfile software applications are two distinctly different platforms. For more information, please read the new G01 manual linked above.
You can however Retrieve Certificate History, look under section 5.5 of the G01.

Personally I’m hoping SARS gets their act together to enable users to import using the old backups as many practitioners have more than 20 clients and doing each one at a time is an epic waste of time.

1 thought on “SARS easyFile Employer Thin Client – Installation”

  1. New version of Easyfile Employer 800 254 has been released and since i have download this version i am getting errors with the ADMIN Logon.

    [PersistenceUnit: EasyFileMainDB] Unable to build Hibernate SessionFactory.

    I did un install the old version and then downloaded the full version – still get the same error.

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