This happens in Sage Pastel Partner, Xpress and possibly Payroll.
Status 94 is a permission error and normally caused by incorrectly configured or blocked settings on either the Sage Pastel Server or Workstation.
Check the following
- The user is a Windows Administrator
- User Account Control (UAC) is set to Never Notify
- Pervasive database and ports are added as to Windows Firewall and Anti-virus
- Sage Pastel folder has no read only attributes
- Sage Pastel folder has been shared with read and write access for all users
- Remap the drive on the workstation
- Set the Pervasive Service to Automatic (Delayed Start)
- On the server uninstall & reinstall Pervasive
- Run a repair on Sage Pastel Accounting
User Account Control (UAC)
Ensure UAC is set to Never Notify.
Type UAC in your Windows Search and click the Change User Account Control Settings, drag the slide to the bottom Never Notify
Pervasive Firewall
Sage Pastel Folder
Uncheck Read-only
- On the Sage Pastel Server (this is the machine where Sage Pastel is registered as the Server)
- Press the Windows + E keys simultaneously to open Windows Explorer
- Navigate to your PastelXX or XpressXX folder (where XX represents the version of Pastel you are using i.e. Sage Pastel Partner V18 = Pastel18, Sage Pastel Xpress V17 = Xpress17)
- Right-click on the PastelXX or XpressXX folder and select Properties, then make sure the tick box Read-only by Attributes in unticked and the click Apply and ensure the option Apply changes to this folder, subfolders and files is selected and click OK
- then
Read/Write Enabled
- Click the Security tab
- Click the Edit button to enable making changes
- Select each Group or user name under Group or user name and set to Full Control and once done click OK
- Still on the Server
- Right click on the PastelXX or XpressXX folder
- Select the option Share With>Specific people… or in Win11: Show more options>Give access to>Specific People…
- The Network access/File Sharing screen will display, type Everyone in the open space and click Add
- Change the Permission Level next to Everyone from Read to Read/Write by selecting the option on the drop down menu
- Click on Share and then Done
Remap the Drive
- On the Workstation/s
- Press the Windows + E keys simultaneously to open Windows Explorer
- Right-click on the mapped drive and select Disconnect network drive…
- Right-click on Computer/This PC and select Map network drive…
- Choose an unused drive letter between L and V (I like using S or P) then click Browse… and from the list select the Sage Pastel Server Name and then the PastelXX or XpressXX folder
- Check the Reconnect at logon/Reconnect at sign-in is ticked and click Finish
Pervasive Service
Type services.msc in Windows Search and open the Windows Services Manager, search for the Pervasive PSQL Workgroup Engine, right click and select Properties then change the Startup type: from Automatic to Automatic (Delayed Start) and click OK.
The reboot Windows and check to see if you still get the error.
Repair Installation
- On the Server first & Workstation/s with the error next if running on the Server does not fix the issue
- Rename the PastelXX or XpressXX folder to PastelXX.old or XpressXX.old
- Then locate the Sage Pastel Installation file (This is the file used to install Sage Pastel Accounting) & Double-click to run the installation, then Next >
- On the Program Maintenance screen, select Repair, then Next >
- The Ready to Repair the Program screen will display, click on Install and once done Finish
- On the Server: You will need to copy your companies back from your PastelXX.old or XpressXX.old to your PastelXX or XpressXX